Since my major is Math-Stat, studying Japanese works for me as a joyful moment in a day.
Since this is my first time to take Japanese class, I am having difficult time reading hiragana characters fast enough. However, I will work hard and I enjoy learning Japanese.
Nice to meet you all.
I agree, it's difficult to "speed read" the kana. I always run out of time on the quizzes :(
This is also my first time learning Japanese, I'm glad I'm not the only one; since it seems like a lot of people in the class have taken Japanese before.
I concur!
こんいちわ! I also find the hiragana to be a really hard part of Japanese. It takes me a while to mentally read hiragana as english characters.
こんばんは、インサンさん! I am in your group for Section 4. わたしの なまえは バーバサマリフェルです。どうぞよろしくおねがいします!
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